2019 Summer Institute: Northwest Regional
Summer Institutes (SIs) are intensive multi-day workshops that introduce STEM educators to the principles of evidence-based teaching. Participants include STEM faculty and graduate students from both research- and teaching-intensive institutions.
The 2019 Northwest Regional will be held at the University of Oregon from July 15-18. There are no registration fees for attendees.
This is the last year that the SIs will be funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and so may be the last year that registration fees are waived. Applicants are especially encouraged to apply to attend this year.
Apply online by May 27 at: https://www.summerinstitutes.org/northwest-application
Kimberly Tanner Workshops:
Engaging Students and Making Classrooms Fair and Inclusive: Cross-Disciplinary Strategies and Language to Promote Student Success
April 11, 2-4 p.m. | Knight Library DREAM Lab (Room 122)
Teaching diverse populations of students requires instructors to construct learning environments that are inclusive and equitable. Research in psychology and other disciplines suggests that how students personally experience learning environments strongly influences engagement, motivation, sense of belonging, and conceptual learning. In this interactive workshop, participants will explore how students may experience classroom environments differently from one another. Individual participants will then have the opportunity to self-assess their current awareness 21 common equitable teaching strategies, as well as explore a framework for analyzing Instructor Talk – the non-content language that permeates our classrooms – and its potential influence on students.
Beyond Assessing Knowledge – Card Sorting, Superheroes, and Moving Towards Measuring Expertise among Undergraduates
April 12, 9-11 a.m. | Knight Library DREAM Lab (Room 122)
How do experts structure their thinking about the concepts in their discipline? How is this different from the way those new to the field approach these same ideas? To what extent do students organize their disciplinary knowledge around surface versus deep features of the discipline? In this interactive workshop, participants will explore cognitive psychological ideas about expert and novice thinking and how expertise relates to the organization of content knowledge in a discipline. Participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm the potential deep features of their discipline and courses, as well as potential surface features that may distract students and inadvertently organize their disciplinary thinking and impede expert-like connections. Finally, the relationship between what we assess and gauging students’ development of disciplinary expertise over time will be explored.
Jenny Dauer Workshop: Teaching Decision-Making in the Science Classroom to Promote Science Literacy
February 21, 1-3 p.m.
Jenny Dauer is an Assistant Professor of Science Literacy in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska. Dauer’s research interests include developing and investigating science classroom models to support student decision-making practices and systems thinking. Dauer has a Ph.D. from Oregon State University in Forest Science, an M.S. in Ecology, and a B.S. in Secondary Education from Penn State University.
BE Visual with Dr. Janet Iwasa
January 29
Dinner: 5:30 p.m.
Presentation: 6 p.m.
Dr. Iwasa is a biochemist at the University of Utah currently working with The Animation Lab, a U of U School of Medicine venture that uses animation technology to convey science principles. Her work is rooted in making science accessible through visual data storytelling. SLP is a co-sponsor of Dr. Iwasa’s presentation.
Please contact SLP at scilit@uoregon.edu if you would like to join SLP’s table at the free dinner before the event.
Applications have now closed.
The Science Literacy Program invites you to attend a Mobile Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching on September 10-14, 2018 at the University of Oregon. The Summer Institute will expand and sharpen participants teaching skills with workshops on evidence-based, inclusive, and active teaching practices. Participants will develop original, innovative classroom materials with a group of colleagues and participate in STEM education strategic planning. At the conclusion of the institute, participants will be name 2018-19 Scientific Teaching Education Fellows.
Concurrently the Science Literacy Program will host a Communicating Science Workshop. This workshop series will help educators become better science communicators through the principles of acting and improv.
Applications due: June 22, 2018.
In the words of a previous MoSI participant:
I’m pretty confident in my abilities to give a good lecture and run a well-organized course, and I get good ratings from students. But I could tell that many students weren’t really learning the material in any depth. I’d heard the compelling evidence that swapping out lecture time for in-class problem-solving was the way to go, but of course I was worried about how much extra work that would be for me, and I wasn’t really sure what class time would look like. The Summer Institute was exactly what I needed – practical advice on how to make this change, including what works and what doesn’t. The good news is that even the best students have been shown to do better with this style of teaching. I switched out about a third of my lecture time in each of my courses this year, and I was very pleased with how engaged students seemed to be and by how stimulating and fun it was for me too. I plan to make a full switch next year. I highly recommend the Summer Institute – it’s an easy way to jumpstart the process of improving your teaching.
– Tory Herman, Associate Professor Biology, 2015-16 National Academies Education Fellow
About the Science Communication workshop, inspired by the Alda Center for Communicating Science, from an Alda training alumnus:
I have to admit to some skepticism about taking the Alda workshop. I’d been communicating my science for over 20 years and thought I was doing a pretty good job. But as it turns out, there is always room for improvement. This became apparent after I failed miserably to explain the basics of a baseball game to someone who pretended not to know anything about baseball. Same thing with science. If you don’t talk at the right level for your audience, you are likely not getting your message across. The Alda workshop helped me see my communication in an entirely different way – from the perspective of my audience.
– Andy Karduna, Professor Human Physiology
The Science Literacy Program is hosting a seminar and round-table discussion with Professor Victoria Sork, UCLA, ” for Student Success and Inclusive Education in STEM Disciplines.” The seminar is on Wednesday, May 23, 9:00-11:00am in 240D Willamette Room. Click here to RVSP.
“Even teachers need to go back to school, especially when it comes to learning how to teach science better. That’s an idea the University of Oregon has embraced with such gusto it has become a leader in efforts to make science classes more effective and engaging. And interest is spreading, from veteran professors to young doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows. Funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and directed by UO Science Literacy Program director Elly Vandegrift, the summer institute brought 55 faculty and postdoctoral researchers from across the country, including 23 from the UO, to campus for a week of evidence-based science teaching workshops.
“We are trained to be experts in our disciplinary fields, but that does not mean we have practiced how to communicate the science to nonexperts or have learned about approaches that support learning for all students,” Vandegrift said. Andy Karduna has been teaching human physiology for more than two decades. Karduna has tenure and serves as director of graduate studies for the UO’s Department of Human Physiology. Come this fall, he will develop a new a science class for students who aren’t majoring in science. “I’m at a point in my career where I wanted a challenge, but I was never trained to teach,” Karduna said. One of the approaches is called active learning. That’s where students are being engaged, participating and being assessed throughout an entire class rather than sitting passively through a lecture.” To read the rest of this story by Molly Blancett, please visit the website.
Friday, April 21, 2017, EMU Swindells Room
Faculty, graduate students, and post-docs are invited to drop-in for one session or attend the entire day. RSVP required for lunch and recommended for workshop sessions to help us plan.
9am-12pm Thinking Skills for the 21st Century: Teaching for Transfer
A key factor in meeting global challenges is producing college graduates who can use their scientific knowledge and skills to synthesize and evaluate, problem solve, and create. Participants will learn six features of instructional design that promote higher-order thinking among students and generate plans to apply their new knowledge in their own science classrooms.
12-1pm Lunch (RSVP required by April 7, 2017)
1-2pm Scientific Storytelling: Humanities Meets Science Facilitated by Jennifer Yates
Learn how student understanding of science is improved through efforts to re-state, visualize, simplify, and make into stories more complex scientific concepts.
2:15-3:15pm Encouraging Your Students to Make More Mistakes Facilitated by Amy Mulnix
This session will explore pedagogical practices that plan for and encourage mistakes and then capitalize on them as opportunities to deepen learning.
3:30-4:30pm TIESERs – Tasks Inspired & Enhanced by Science Education Research Facilitated by S. Raj Chaudhury
Research on learning has inspired “en[gauge]ments” (Handelsman et. al. 2007) – tasks to “engage” and “gauge” students understanding. Practice with tasks from Physics and design your own in this hands-on workshop.
Workshops presented by:
Amy Mulnix, Director of the Faculty Center, Franklin and Marshall College
Jennifer Yates, Associate Professor of Psychology & Director of the Neuroscience Program, Ohio Wesleyan University
S. Raj Chaudhury, Executive Director, Innovation in Learning Center, University of South Alabama
Elly Vandegrift, Associate Director of the UO Science Literacy Program
Summer 2016
- August 8-11, 2016 – All sessions of the Mobile Summer Institute
- August 11, 3 – 5:30 pm, and August 12, 8 am – 12 pm – STEM strategic planning (those planning to attend must attend both sessions)
- August 12, 2016 12 pm – 1:30 pm – Optional STEM strategic planning lunch with UO administrators
The Science Literacy Program invites you to attend a Mobile Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching August 8-11, 2016 at the University of Oregon. The Summer Institute will expand and sharpen participants teaching skills through workshops facilitated by national science education experts. Participants will develop original, innovative classroom materials ready for immediate implementation. A post-workshop UO STEM strategic planning session with administrators will be held on August 12, 2016.
Applications due: June 13, 2016.
In the words of a previous participant, “I’m pretty confident in my abilities to give a good lecture and run a well-organized course, and I get good ratings from students. But I could tell that many students weren’t really learning the material in any depth. I’d heard the compelling evidence that swapping out lecture time for in-class problem-solving was the way to go, but of course I was worried about how much extra work that would be for me, and I wasn’t really sure what class time would look like. The Summer Institute was exactly what I needed – practical advice on how to make this change, including what works and what doesn’t. The good news is that even the best students have been shown to do better with this style of teaching. I switched out about a third of my lecture time in each of my courses this year, and I was very pleased with how engaged students seemed to be and by how stimulating and fun it was for me too. I plan to make a full switch next year. I highly recommend the Summer Institute – it’s an easy way to jumpstart the process of improving your teaching.”
– Tory Herman, Associate Professor Biology, 2015-16 National Academies Education Fellow
“Attending the Summer Institute (SI) was a transformative experience for me professionally. I am a new instructor and a postdoc, and the intensive training, motivation, and “re-education” on higher education provided at the SI gave me with new skills, confidence, and a boost to my CV while applying for jobs. The basic philosophies promoted and explored in the SI are nothing short of revolutionary. The workshops provided me with practical skills for transitioning these ideas into the classroom as well. Participating in this institute has made me feel like I am tuned into the most current and nationally accredited best practices for teaching in the college classroom, and has given me tools to excel as an instructor. It is an extremely worthwhile and inspirational experience that has literally inspired and transformed my teaching and my career.”
– Ann Petersen, Institute of Ecology and Evolution and 2014-15 National Academies Education Fellow
The Science Literacy Program is excited to host the 2016 Mobile Summer Institute on the UO campus.
The goal of the Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education is to transform education at colleges and universities by improving classroom education and attracting more diverse students to research. We undertake to train faculty and instructional staff in a scientific approach to teaching that reflects the way we work as researchers. The target group is comprised of both new and experienced instructors who teach introductory or survey courses, but anyone with an interest in transforming their classroom is invited to attend.
The theme for the Summer Institute is “scientific teaching.” Participants learn practical strategies for enhancing student learning. The institutes model the scientific teaching principles of active learning, assessment, and diversity, which are integrated into all aspects of the week’s schedule. Activities include reflective writing, planning, reading, researching, discussing teaching methods and philosophy, interactive presentations, and developing teaching materials. By the end of an institute, participants will have observed, evaluated, and collected a portfolio of innovative teaching approaches and instructional materials that are ready to be adopted and adapted to their own teaching environments.
In addition to developing teaching skills and materials, participants learn how to teach workshops and seminars about scientific teaching. Scientific teaching workshops can be used to foster dialog with faculty and instructional colleagues about teaching, to train TAs in teaching, and to enrich the graduate curriculum in teaching.
The UO Mobile Summer Institute grew out of the National Academies Summer Institute. Additional information about those nationally held summer institutes is available through the National Academies Summer Institute site.
For an in-depth discussion on the use of Summer Institutes to stimulate change in the approach to undergraduate science education, see Pfund, C., et al. (2009)
Pfund, C., Miller, S., Brenner, K., Bruns, P., Chang, A., Ebert-May, D., … Handelsman, J. (2009). Professional development. Summer institute to improve university science teaching. Science (New York, N.Y.), 324(5926), 470–1. doi:10.1126/science.1170015
Summer 2015
National Academies Summer Institutes on Undergraduate Education
- June 22-25, 2015 – UO Local Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education
- July 13-18, 2015 – West Coast Regional Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education
Spring 2015
Communicating Science Workshop
Mary Pat Wenderoth – End of Lecture: The Future of Evidence-based Teaching
Winter 2015
Carl Wieman – Science Education Seminars
Spring 2014
Backward Design in Practice
Fall 2013
How People Learn: Implications for Communicating Science
SLP Teaching Showcase – Physics of Sound and Music & People, Rocks, and Fire
Fall 2012
Curriculum and Pedagogy Workshop – iScience Model for Faculty Development
Spring 2012
Teaching to Increase Science Literacy
Fall 2011
- Clickers: Student Engagement in Large Lecture Courses
- Writing Great Clicker Questions
- Making Clickers Work for You
- What Do You Want Them to Learn Today?
- June 22-25, 2015 – UO Local Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education
- July 13-18, 2015 – West Coast Regional Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education
In their own words, “Attending the Summer Institute (SI) was a transformative experience for me professionally. I am a new instructor and a postdoc, and the intensive training, motivation, and “re-education” on higher education provided at the SI gave me with new skills, confidence, and a boost to my CV while applying for jobs. The basic philosophies promoted and explored in the SI are nothing short of revolutionary. The workshops provided me with practical skills for transitioning these ideas into the classroom as well. Participating in this institute has made me feel like I am tuned into the most current and nationally accredited best practices for teaching in the college classroom, and has given me tools to excel as an instructor. It is an extremely worthwhile and inspirational experience that has literally inspired and transformed my teaching and my career.” -Ann Petersen, Institute of Ecology and Evolution and 2014-15 National Academies Education Fellow
The Science Literacy Program is excited to host both a 2015 Local National Academies Summer Institute on the UO campus and a West Coast Regional National Academies Summer Institute
The UO Local National Academies Summer Institute and the West Coast Regional National Academies Summer Institute will have the same content and opportunities for curriculum development. The UO Local Summer Institute is for University of Oregon participants while the West Coast Regional Summer Institute is for participants from the West Coast, including participants from the University of Oregon.
The goal of the Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education is to transform education at colleges and universities by improving classroom education and attracting more diverse students to research. We undertake to train faculty and instructional staff in a scientific approach to teaching that reflects the way we work as researchers. The target group is comprised of both new and experienced instructors who teach introductory or survey courses, but anyone with an interest in transforming their classroom is invited to attend.
The theme for the Summer Institutes is “scientific teaching.” Participants learn practical strategies for enhancing student learning. The institutes model the scientific teaching principles of active learning, assessment, and diversity, which are integrated into all aspects of the week’s schedule. Activities include reflective writing, planning, reading, researching, discussing teaching methods and philosophy, interactive presentations, and developing teaching materials. By the end of an institute, participants will have observed, evaluated, and collected a portfolio of innovative teaching approaches and instructional materials that are ready to be adopted and adapted to their own teaching environments.
In addition to developing teaching skills and materials, participants learn how to teach workshops and seminars about scientific teaching. Scientific teaching workshops can be used to foster dialog with faculty and instructional colleagues about teaching, to train TAs in teaching, and to enrich the graduate curriculum in teaching.
Additional information about the nationally held summer institutes is available through the National Academies Summer Institute site.
For an in-depth discussion on the use of Summer Institutes to stimulate change in the approach to undergraduate science education, see Pfund, C., et al. (2009)
Pfund, C., Miller, S., Brenner, K., Bruns, P., Chang, A., Ebert-May, D., … Handelsman, J. (2009). Professional development. Summer institute to improve university science teaching. Science (New York, N.Y.), 324(5926), 470–1. doi:10.1126/science.1170015
JUNE 22-25, 2015
The application period is now closed.
Local Summer Institute’s People that made this workshop happen!
Questions: ellyvan@uoregon.edu
JULY 13-18, 2015
The West Coast institute serves Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. The West Coast institute is co-directed by Dr. Clarissa Dirks, Associate Professor of Biology at Evergreen State College, Dr. Bradley Hyman, Professor and chair of biology at University of California-Riverside, and Elly Vandegrift, Associate Director of the Science Literacy Program at the University of Oregon.
Invitation to Attend the Institute
Flyer about the Institute
Invitation letter from Sean Carroll, HHMI Vice President for Science Education
The application period is now closed.
Questions: ellyvan@uoregon.edu
MAY 14-15, 2015
The Science Literacy Program and STEM Core are excited to offer a two-day workshop facilitated by faculty from the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University on improvisation, distilling a science message, and communicating with the media. The center and their workshop have recently been featured in the New York Times, Attention, All Scientists: Do Improv, With Alan Alda’s Help.
Public support for scientists and everyday applications of science would benefit from a more scientifically literate society. As scientists, you have an opportunity–an obligation, some might argue–to contribute to the public dialogue and understanding of science. This workshop will provide you with training and communication tools to engage public audiences.
For a description of the types of workshops run by the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, click here.
A Sample of Improvisation for Scientists:
The goal of teaching improvisation is to provide scientists with the skills to talk freely, directly, and spontaneously about their work using communication strategies that are effective and respond to the dynamic attention of listeners. Ultimately, this will help you as a scientist connect personally with your audience while conveying your message.
Faculty, postdocs, and graduate students interested in acquiring or improving skills for effectively communicating science concepts and research to non-science-major students and to the public.
Upon completion of this workshop, you will learn how to:
- speak clearly and vividly about your work and why it matters, in terms that non-scientists can understand
- use communication techniques, cultural competency, and science literacy concepts to reach and mobilize the community and key stakeholders on science issues related to your research, outreach, or education objectives
- gain a better understanding of your audience and ability to adapt your material for a variety of audiences
- prepare for a media interview, including shaping clear, crisp answers, fielding difficult questions, and reinforcing your fundamental message
May 14 – 08:00-17:30
08:00-08:30 Registration and Welcome Breakfast
08:30-10:00 What is the meaning of this?
A group exercise in conveying the meaning of complex information so non-scientists can understand
10:00-13:00 Morning Sessions
– Groups A and B: Improvisation for Scientists
Improvisational theater exercises require you to pay close, dynamic attention to others, to read body language and nonverbal cues, and to respond freely. This is not about acting or making things up. It is about shifting your focus from what you are saying to what the other person is receiving. This can help you make a more direct and personal connection with your audience.
– Groups C and D: Distilling Your Message
10:00-11:00: Introduction to Distilling Your Message
Speaking clearly and conversationally about science, without jargon or “dumbing it down,” is a challenge. This interactive presentation suggests tools and examples to help scientists communicate in ways that resonate with non-scientists.
11:00-13:00: Distilling Your Message breakout sessions
Meeting in groups of 6 or 7, each with an instructor, we will work on engaging listeners, using different approaches and using the power of storytelling to communicate in memorable ways.
13:00-14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00-17:00 Afternoon Sessions
– Groups A and B: Distilling Your Message (see morning session for description)
– Groups C and D: Improvisation for Scientists (see morning session for description
17:00-17:30 Wrap-up and prep for Day 2
May 15 – 08:30-17:30
On Day 1, we worked on connecting with audiences and distilling messages. On Day 2, we’ll apply the lessons of Improvisation and Distilling in more challenging settings. After a warm-up, half the group will take Media Interview Skills, while the other half will take Improv II. After lunch, the groups will switch, so each participant will take both workshop sessions. The day will end with an evaluation session.
08:30-09:00 Breakfast and check-in
09:00-09:30 Interview Preparation (all groups)
09:30-10:00 Warm-up, using improvisation skills (all groups)
10:00-13:00 Morning Workshop Session
– Groups A and B: Media Interview Skills
Participants will practice doing a television interview, answering questions clearly and briefly. This is a challenging form of Distilling Your Message. The interviews will be recorded on video for immediate playback, and participants should get their interviews to take home.
– Groups C and D: Improv II
Participants will work on applying the skills of Improvisation and Distilling Your Message in different settings. This includes building physical confidence and using role-playing to help participants deliver their message to their favorite — and least favorite — audiences.
13:00-14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00-17:00 Afternoon Workshop Session
– Groups A and B: Improv II (see morning session for description)
– Groups C and D: Media Interview Skills (see morning session for description)
17:00-17:30 Evaluation and Next Steps
The Communicating Science Workshop is co-sponsored by the Science Literacy Program, STEM Core and the UO College of Arts and Sciences.
Mary Pat Wenderoth
End of Lecture: The Future of Evidence-based Teaching
May 5, 2015
Biosketch: Mary Pat Wenderoth is a Principal Lecturer in the Biology Department at the University of Washington (UW) where she teaches animal physiology courses and conducts biology education research on how students learn biology. Her main research interests focus on assessing implementation of cognitive science principles in the classroom, particularly those associated with conceptual change, use of first principles in constructing conceptual frameworks and student metacognition. She received the UW Distinguished Teaching Award in 2001 and has served as the co-director of the UW Teaching Academy. She is a co-founder of the UW Biology Education Research Group (UW BERG) and the national Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). She served as a facilitator at the HHMI Summer Institute for Undergraduate Biology Education from 2007 -2011. Dr. Wenderoth earned her B.S. in Biology from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., a M.S. in Women’s Studies from George Washington University, a M.S. in Exercise Physiology from Purdue University and her Ph.D. in Physiology from Rush University in Chicago.
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2014
Event: IMB Science Education Seminar
Seminar Title: End of Lecture: The Future of Evidence-based Teaching
Speaker: Mary Pat Wenderoth, University of Washington
Place: 110 Willamette Hall
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Host: Elly Vandegrift, Biology Department and Science Literacy Program
Seminar Abstract:
We recently published a meta-analysis of 225 papers that compared student performance under active learning versus lecturing in undergraduate courses across the STEM disciplines. The results indicate that on average, students are 1.5 times more likely to fail when being lectured to compared to taking the same course with an active learning component, and that active learning increases exam scores by almost half a standard deviation. I will summarize the research results that provide robust data on teaching methods that increase student achievement and I will engage participants in discussion of the way even small changes can close the gap between our teaching and student learning. These teaching methods are based on results from cognitive and learning sciences and rely heavily on the “Testing Effect” and “Desirable Difficulties”. I will engage participants in discussion of the way even small changes can close the gap between our teaching and student learning because shrinking that gap has tremendous implications for all students, but especially those from underrepresented groups. Says Toby Bradshaw, Chair of Biology at UW: “By reducing the failure rates, capable students are able to go on, rather than being washed out of the system because they came in a bit underprepared and no one was willing to change the way they did things to help them out….The impact down the road is that we will have a larger, more diverse, more capable work force.”
She is a co-author of:
Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,111(23), 8410–5.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1319030111
Carl Wieman
Science Education Seminars
February 5-6, 2015
The Science Literacy Program (SLP) has the great privilege of hosting Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman on February 5th and 6th, 2015. Dr. Wieman is a Professor of Physics and of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University and founded the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia. He also served as Associate Director of Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. He is a leader in the study of science teaching and has written extensively about the national direction of STEM education reform.
While at the University of Oregon, Carl Wieman will give two seminars and will be our guest at a reception in his honor.
Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015
Even: Physics Department Colloquium
Title: Expertise in Physics and How it is Best Learned and Taught
Speaker: Carl Wieman, Stanford University
Place: 100 Willamette Hall
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. – preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies at 3:40 in the Willamette Atrium.
Host: Michael Raymer, Physics Department and Co-PI Science Literacy Program
I will discuss how research has illuminated what it means to “think like an expert” (i.e. have expertise), and how those abilities are developed. I will move from cognitive psychology studies of expertise in general to the specific elements of physics expertise and research on both measuring and teaching physics expertise at a variety of levels. This will elucidate the essential roles in the learning process of both content expertise of the teacher and specific cognitive activities of the students; providing guiding principles for effective ways to teach physics for all levels and contexts.
Click here to view a PDF of the Carl Wieman’s UO Physics Colloquium slides.
Video courtesy of CMET. The video is also available on the UO Channel.
Date: Friday, February 6, 2015
Event: Science Teaching Journal Club – meeting with Carl Wieman
Place: 240D WIL – OCO Conference Room
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Lunch will be provided –
This meeting is full. Contact the Science Literacy Program if you want to be added to the wait list.
Date: Friday, February 6, 2015
Event: Science Literacy Program Lecture
Title: Taking a Scientific Approach to Science Education
Speaker: Carl Wieman, Stanford University
Place: 182 Lillis
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Host: Science Literacy Program
Guided by experimental tests of theory and practice, science and engineering has advanced rapidly in the past 500 years. Guided primarily by tradition and dogma, science education meanwhile has remained largely medieval. Research on how people learn is now revealing much more effective ways to teach and evaluate learning than what is in use in the traditional science class. The combination of this research with information technology is setting the stage for a new approach to teaching and learning that can provide the relevant and effective science education for all students that is needed for the 21st century. I will also cover more meaningful and effective ways to measure the quality of teaching. Although the focus of the talk is on undergraduate science teaching, where the data is the most compelling, the underlying principles come from studies of the general development of expertise and apply widely.
Click here to view a PDF of Carl Wieman’s UO Science Education slides.
Video courtesy of CMET. The video is also available on the UO Channel.
Reception for Carl Wieman
Date: Friday, February 6, 2015
Place: Gerlinger Hall Alumni Lounge
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Host: Science Literacy Program
Backward Design in Practice – or –
How We Developed a Classroom Activity About Science and Society
Elly Vandegrift, Science Literacy Program
Sierra Dawson, Human Physiology
What is backward design? How can you use backward design in your teaching? How can backward design help you incorporate learning outcomes aligned with assessment and activities?
As National Academies Education Fellows, we used the process of backward design to create a classroom activity aligning goals, learning objectives, assessments, and activities. During a one-hour interactive workshop, we will share this activity, our “teachable tidbit” with participants. While sharing the activity, we will annotate with descriptions of our experience with the process of backward design. Then participants will have an opportunity to explore how they can align goals and objectives with assessments and activities in their own classrooms.
When: Friday, April 18 10-11am
Where: Willamette 240D
Oregon Center for Optics conference room Willamette Hall second floor
For more information contact Elly Vandegrift or Sierra Dawson.
Refreshments will be provided.
Fall 2012 Workshops:
Curriculum and pedagogy workshops presented by:
Mark Stewart – iScience: Promoting science literacy for all students one lab at a time
Stas Stavrianeas – Curriculum design and pedagogy for your courses
Workshop Activity: The audience participated in the workshop by writing answers to a series of questions. Follow this link to view the complied answers to this activity. As you read the responses keep the folowin in mind: Are we all on the same page? What are the common trends?
Spring 2012 Workshops:
Teaching to Increase Science Literacy:
A Panel Discussion with Professors from UO’s Science Literacy Program
Monday, May 14 (Week 7) 4:00-5:00pm, 22 Science Library
To register, email jmueller@uoregon.edu
Facilitator: Julie Mueller, Teaching Effectiveness Program; Judith Eisen, Biology; Michael Raymer and Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Physics; and Samantha Hopkins, Geosciences. Science literacy is becoming increasingly important for citizens as more science and technology-related issues face society. What can you do to foster science literacy in your students? Professors associated with the UO Science Literacy Program teach 100-level courses for non-science majors. These courses are designed to improve scientific awareness and general science literacy by enhancing competence in and appreciation of science. Join our faculty panel for a discussion of the methods they have used in designing and modifying courses to enhance science literacy.
Science Literacy Program Spring Workshop Series:
A 6-part series geared towards improving teaching methods in undergraduate science courses.
Fall 2011 Workshops:
Presentation by Robert Voelker-Morris
Tuesday Nov 1st 3-4:30pm 230T HEDCO:
Clickers: Student Engagement in Large Lecture Courses
Presentations by Dr. Stephanie Chasteen
Recommended “prework” to help you get the most out of Stephanie’s Presentations:
- Required: Watch “Clickers, Students and Teachers Speak” at http://STEMclickers.colorado.edu
- Optional: Watch “Using Clickers Effectively” at above website. Read/discuss some ideas in the “Instructor’s Guide to Clickers” at the above website.
- Brainstorm and create a list of “What are the benefits of using questioning in class?”
- Bring Clicker questions that you’ve used/learning goals you’ve written for your courses.
Friday November 11th 4:00-5:30pm, B90 Science Library
Writing Great Clicker Questions
Question-writing strategies to promote student learning using clickers
Handouts for this lecture:
The Gentle Art of Questioning Tips for Successful Clicker Use Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised
Monday November 14th, 12:00-1:00pm 240D Willamette Hall
Making Clickers Work for You
Handouts for this lecture:
Making Clickers Work for You Tips for Successful Clicker Use
Monday November 14, 4:00-5:30pm, B90 Science Library
What Do You Want Them to Learn Today?
Handouts for this lecture:
Learning Goals and Formative Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised