Winter 2011: Science Literacy

During Winter Term 2011, the journal club focused on examples of academic programs that address science literacy. We will read about successful methods and models and discuss how to apply these ideas.

Facilitators: Peter O’Day (Biology), Michael Raymer (Physics), Ellery B. Ames (Physics), and Elly Vandegrift (Teaching Effectiveness Program)

Week 1 – January 7

Sokoloff, DR and RK Thornton, 1997. Using Interactive Lecture Demonstrations to Create an Active Learning Environment. The Physics Teacher. 35(6): 340-347. [Available from] Cited 2011 January 4.

Sharma, MD, ID Johnston, H Johnston, K Varvell, G Robertston, A Hopkins, C Stewart, I Cooper and R Thorton. 2010. Use of interactive lecture demonstrations: A ten year study. Phys Rev ST Physics Ed. Research 6(020119):1-9 [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 4.

*Discussion at 11am and Interactive Lecture at 4pm*

Week 2 – January 14

*Interactive Lecture Activity (Elly and Libby) at 4pm*

Week 3 – January 21

Stein, B et. al, 2007. Assessing Critical Thinking in STEM and Beyond, In M. Iskander (ed.), Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education, p. 79-82. Springer.

Knowing What Students Know,, Cited 2011 January 11

TEP website on CATs:

*Discussion at 11am and Assessment at 4pm*

Week 4 – January 28

Glynn, S. M., & Koballa, T. R., Jr. (2006). Motivation to learn college science. In J. J. Mintzes & W. H. Leonard (Eds.), Handbook of college science teaching (pp. 25-32). Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press. [Available from] Cited 2011 January 13.

*Assessment Activity (Dash and Sam) at 4pm*

Week 5 – February 4

Mazur , E. 1996. Science Lectures: A relic of the past? Physics World, 9, 13-14. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 12.

Crouch , CH and E Mazur. 2001. Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and Results. Am. J. Phys., 69, 970-977. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 12.

Preszler, R.W. 2009. Replacing Lecture with Peer-led Workshops Improves Student Learning. CBE Life Sci Educ 8(3): 182-192 2009. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 12.

*Discussion at 11am and Peer Instruction at 4pm*

Week 6 – February 11

*Peer Instruction Activity (Peter and Gabe) at 4pm*

Week 7 – February 18

Etkina, E and A. Van Heuvelen. 2007. Investigative Science Learning Environment – A Science Process Approach to Learning Physics in E. F. Redish and P. Cooney, (Eds.) Research Based Reform of University Physics. American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, MD, pages 1-48. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 11.

*Discussion at 11am and ISLE-Investigative Science Learning Environment Activity at 4pm*

Week 8 – February 25

*ISLE Activity (Paul and Ellery) at 4pm*

Week 9 – March 4

Dufresne, RJ, WJ Leonard, and WJ Gerace. 2002. Making sense of students’ answers to multiple-choice questions. The Physics Teacher 40(3): 174-180. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 12.

Zimmaro, DM. 2004. Writing Good Multiple-Choice Exams. Workshop handout. Measurement and Evaluation Center. University of Texas at Austin. [Available from:] Cited 2011 January 12. Note: You can access additional information on this topic from this University of Texas at Austin Center for Teaching and Learning page.

Writing Multiple-Choice Questions that Demand Critical Thinking:

*Discussion at 11am and Multiple Choice Questions Activity at 4pm*

Week 10 – March 11

*Multiple Choice Questions Activity (Jana and Hui) at 4pm*